Anal Most Cancers – Signs, Prognosis & Treatment

The anus is about 1-1/2 inches long and connects the rectum (lower a part of the large intestine) to the outside of the body. It allows strong waste (also referred to as stool or feces) to move from the physique. The sphincter is two muscles that open and close the anus to let waste cross. The anus is lined with squamous cells, which also are discovered within the bladder, cervix, vagina, urethra and different places in the physique.

Anal Most cancers Types
A number of kinds of tumors could also be discovered in the anus. While a few of them are malignant (cancer), others are benign (not most cancers) or precancerous (could grow to be cancer). Φλεβοθρόμβωση Λαμία of anal most cancers are:

Carcinoma in situ is early cancer or precancerous cells. They’re solely on the surface cells of the anal canal. This additionally could also be referred to as Bowen’s disease.

Squamous cell most cancers (carcinoma) forms within the cells that line the anus. This is the most common kind of anal cancer.

Απόστημα Πρωκτού Λαμία develop within the glands around the anus.
Pores and skin cancers, including basal cell and melanoma, typically are discovered when they’re in advanced phases.

Anything that increases your chance of getting anal cancer is a danger issue. These embrace:
– Age: Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus most frequently is found in individuals older than 50 Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection – Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) – Having more than 10 sexual companions – Anal intercourse – Frequent anal redness, swelling and soreness – Tobacco use – Immunosuppression, including taking immune-suppressing medication after an organ transplant

Not everyone with threat factors gets anal most cancers. Nonetheless, when you’ve got risk components, it’s a good suggestion to discuss them with your physician.

Anal Most cancers Prevention
Sure way of life selections can help prevent anal cancer. One in all an important is to avoid HPV infection. Some methods you may lower your probabilities of getting HPV include:

– Wait till you’re older to have intercourse and restrict your number of sexual partners – Use condoms throughout intercourse – Keep away from intercourse with individuals with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or who have had multiple sexual companions – Don’t smoke or use other varieties of tobacco – Get an HPV vaccine. Gardasil® and Cervarix® help protect against sure kinds of HPV. However if in case you have HPV, they do not cure it.

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